The Grizzly Growl

The student news site of Grace High School

High school publications, a semester elective, is designed to engage students in publishing duties.  The course content focuses on publishing a quality school newspaper and a quality yearbook and it teaches lifetime skills. Class members will be assigned to either an editorial position or another working position.  Each person has prescribed duties to perform by a certain date set by the adviser and editor.  The student is graded not only on the quality of the work but also on the quantity and on the ability to meet the deadline.

We will attempt to publish eight issues of the school newspaper.  Each will be out by the last Friday of the month, unless publication date is rescheduled due to vacations.  Each issue will consist of three major sections:  news/editorial, extracurricular, and lifestyles.

Because publishing involves deadlines, the student may have to use his or her own time to complete assignments in order to meet deadline.

High School Publications

Susan Kimball: Adviser
:  Newspaper Editor
: Yearbook Editors
: Yearbook Assistant Editor